Thursday, September 5, 2024

Use Large Print Fabrics

 I’ve collected multi-variable color fabric.  I’m drawn to the large print!!! And my source is African themed !!!   For me—-it feels so gratifying 

And it an election year.  VOTE


A few years ago… Women’s Suffrage was celebrated.   I couldn’t resist buying it.  And the pinwheels were UFO’s

Yep.   This post should speak—-OUT LOUD!!!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Morning Sun

 Aaaahaaa.  I’m rock in’ with a squeak in my patio bench!   Don’t wanna stop!!!

This is a windswept gift!  Re-seeded from a neighbors back yard!!!!  WOW

Come sit a whole, my love!

The rusty “B” 

Full of glory and fragrance (no bugs). MOON FLOWERS rule the roost!!

An itty bitty bit gorgeous red rosebud re-blooms!

The Naked Pink Ladies… annual re-bloom in’

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

America … A Common Thread


Haven and Backyard Bliss


HAVEN:  place of safety REFUGE

a place offering favorable opportunities or conditions

2024 Sunflower Haven

My backyard haven-my mental health!   I didn't plant it... the wind or birds seeded it.. perfectly -so strong and tall!  Wow

God is awesome!  I wish I could run over to each of my dearest friends house... and share the sunshine of summer sunflowers 


Use Large Print Fabrics

 I’ve collected multi-variable color fabric.  I’m drawn to the large print!!! And my source is African themed !!!   For me—-it feels so grat...